Autumn / Ngahuru 2023

Kiaora from the Raglan Community House whanau.
What a start to the year! It wasn’t long ago that many were saying “Thank goodness 2022 was over, welcome 2023”. With the wettest Summer on record, closure of the Divvy, and our East Coast cousins struggling with the impact of Cyclone Gabrielle and other weather events, we wait to see what else 2023 will bring!On a positive note, we welcomed new Raglan Community House (RCH) Financial Administrator, Suz Carter to our whanau. Suz (Pictured left) brings a wealth of experience and networks to RCH and I look forward to working with her. Over the Summer we collaborated with Raglan Naturally (RN) to develop a project supporting Raglan youth and Youth workers. Thanks to RN’s Gabrielle Parson’s and RCH’s Joe Rao for their leadership and we look forward to the progress of this project. Our On-Line Presence Project is nearing completion and we look forward to the new digital platforms and the benefits these will bring to this community and accessing our services. Already this year we have added new projects including supporting Raglan Rainbow Youth and monthly ‘Know Youth Stuff Aotearoa’ clinics. We welcome the opportunity to support the diverse community we serve.
Nga mihi. Mike.
Raglan Youthwork
Over the past few months a group of locals led by ex Raglan Area School, & now, World Vision Advisor, Joe Rao, & Raglan Naturally’s Gabrielle Parsons have come together to support Raglan Youth and Youth workers. This collective have met regularly to discuss what we can do as a community to better support local young people. The collective have identified what is currently available, identify opportunities to develop and were responsible for the regular organised youth-focussed events that occurred at Papahua over the Summer. More projects to come.