He aha te mea nui o tō tātou whare?
He Tāngata, He Tāngata, He Tāngata.
What is of most importance in our house?
It is people, people, people.

How can we
help you?
Weekly calendar

Discover our weekly services

Narcotics Anonymous Support Group
Get support to stay clean and recover from the effects of addiction.

Te Reo with Whaea Lucy
Short and fun lessons designed to give you the basics in Te Reo Maori.

KickBoxing 4Youth
A free kickboxing program for youth 12-25 years at the Raglan Town Hall.

Maori Wardens
Come and have a chat with your local friendly Maori Wardens

Children's Toy Library
For an annual fee you can borrow toys for a certain period of time.

KickBoxing 4Youth
A free kickboxing program for youth 12-25 years at the Raglan Town Hall.

Probation Service
Check in with our Probation Officer at the Community House

Justice of the Peace
A JP can witness your signature on some documents. A free service.

Technology Support
A free service to assist you with basic phone, tablet or laptop problems.

Senior Coffee Group
Enjoy a tea or coffee with our friendly senior community.

Support the raglan community house
Your donation can help Raglan Community House fund vital programs and services that empower our community. Whether it's a one-time or regular contribution, every dollar counts and makes a real difference in creating a vibrant, healthy, and supportive Whaingaroa. Join us in making a lasting impact on Raglan - contribute today!
Community matters
This is where we celebrate our wins - big and small.

Te reo taking off with Whaea Lucy

Op shop's biggest sale yet

Saturday club a success

Paw-sitive impact of volunteer pets

3 new supporters