Winter / Hootoke 2022

Kiaora tatou
Winter is upon us and we are seeing demand for warm winter blankets etc from many whanau. Thanks to the many kind people for your donations. We also received fruit trees that we have planted in our backyard so hopefully in a few years we will have feijoas, lemons and mandarins to share with the community. We rely on the support of volunteers and it was great to celebrate long-serving volunteer Bob Noble’s 80th Birthday. We also recently celebrated volunteers Pauline and Helena birthdays. Both these wahine do important work for our Op Shop. We continue to support activities and projects for local youth. Recently, we supported the local Youth week Event held at Papahua, worked with Raglan Area School (RAS) to provide Youth Jewellery-MakingWorkshops and we are developing a special project supporting At-Risk Youth.
Our 2022 Annual General Meeting is on 6pm Mon August 1st in our Basement Meeting Room. All are welcome. We will be saying farewell to our long-serving Chairperson Grant Cushman who is retiring from our Trust Board after many years of leadership. Grant grew up in Raglan, his parents owned the Raglan Harbour View Hotel for many years, and after a career in Tertiary Education, he returned to Raglan and spends much of his time supporting community. E te Rangatira Grant, he mihinui.